Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Khasiat Manggis

According to sources quoted from, mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a staple of tropical green malar and is believed to originate from the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. Principal mangosteen may grow from 7 to 25 meters and produces a dense purple-colored fruit may be eaten. This fruit is the best species of the genus Garcinia. Including exotic mangosteen fruit is a favorite of consumers, both within and outside the country, because it tastes delicious, beautiful fruit shape, and texture of fine white flesh fruit. Not surprisingly, the mangosteen received the nickname Queen of Tropical Fruits (queen of tropical fruits).

Mangosteen Nurtitional facts


Mangosteen Fruit


Usefulness and usability

Mangosteen fruit is rich in Xanthones, which is similar antioxidant. The fruit is said to be helping restore the body’s immune system. Mangosteen fruit has a thick skin that should not be eaten and have the contents of the white and sweet, very refreshing, sugar-containing saccharose, dextrose, and levulose. The composition of the fruit are eaten include 79.2 grams per 100 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 19.8 grams carbohydrates, 0.3 grams fiber, 11 mg calcium, 17 mg phosphorus, 0.9 mg iron, 14 IU of vitamin A, 66 mg of vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) 0.09 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg, and vitamin B5 (niacin) 0.1 mg. Most of the mangosteen fruit is consumed fresh. Mangosteen contain adequate malic acid. The resulting content of the sap from tree trunks have been found in 1858, by N. Reitler in makmal Wittstein (f. Vierteljahresschr. prakt. Pharm., Vol. VII, p. 170), and found to contain adequate peratus 88 resin, soluble in alcohol or ether. The use of ammonia separates the portion soluble and insoluble resin. For species of Garcinia purpurea, Kokum butter contained in the seeds of the seed so that 30 peratus, and mostly consisted of tristearin and oleic glycerides and ASID myristic (Jahresb. der Pharm., 1896, p. 71).

Mangosteen Peel Benefits


Mangosteen skin has an tannins, resins, and crystallizable mangostine (C20H22O5., forming golden yellow scales, with no flavor, the liquid at 190 ° C. (374 ° F.), easily soluble in alcohol or ether, insoluble in water. Distillate principle leads acetate may be generated from the alcohol solution. dissolution in alkali solution subtracting the gold and silver. rind from mangosteen can be used as natural dyes and pharmaceuticals raw materials. The skin contains a compound that includes Mangostin xanton, mangostenol, mangostinon A, mangostenon B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alfamangostin, beta Mangostin, garcinon B, mangostanol, flavonoids epicatechin, and gartanin. Mangosteen peel contains 50 types of xanthone compounds. Xanthones are bioflavonoids which are antioxidants, antibacterial, allergy, anti-tumor, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory. Xantone compounds produced only by the genus Garcinia. Xantone able to inhibit several types of cancer such as liver, gastrointestinal, lung. Xanton in mangosteen peel too powerful to overcome the disease tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, as well as antiinflammatory and antidiarrheal. According to Dr. Berna Elya, researchers at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, the efficacy xanton not only antioxidants, but also anticancer. Mangosteen peel extract is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, the extract also was apoptosis, destruction of cancer cells. Abroad mangosteen peel is used as a dietary supplement, antioxidant, and anticancer.
Has the most pharmacological effects are alfamangostin, betamangostin, and garcinon-E. Alfamangostin and garcinon-E starring buster cancer cells. Alfamangostin also activate the immune system. Mangostin along with gammamangostin acts as an antioxidant that can prevent HIV-1 virus activity. One explanation of the properties of the mangosteen fruit is expressed by prof. Prof. Dr.H.R. Sidik, professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Padjadjaran University, Bandung. Explained that the Latin name Garcinia mangostana plant has a hardwood shaft. Branches irregular, brown-skinned, and gummy. The bark can treat dysentery, diarrhea, and mouth sores.
To treat dysentery, peel of two mangosteen fruit is washed, chopped, and boiled with four glasses of water until its volume by half. Mangosteen peel stew that has been chilled and filtered honey can be added. Drink twice a day and see the results of treatment of diseases suffered dysentery. “Same with the treatment of dysentery, to cure diarrhea, do the same. But, the volume of water is less, only three glasses. To treat thrush, the same steps taken with a healing potion-making procedures diarrhea. Only, enough distillate boiling water used to rinse mouth. Perform three to six times a day.

Anti Bacteria


Pharmacological aspects of the mangosteen are: Mangosteen rind are known to have antimicrobial power against some types of bacteria.
“The skin of the mangosteen fruit is also antifungal,” he said. Antifungal activity of several xanton isolation results (one type of dye in the mangosteen) derived from the skin of the mangosteen fruit and some derivatives Mangostin against fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Drechela oryzae can inhibit the growth of all fungi.
Has also conducted research on xantone activity in mangosteen peel on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to the antibiotic methicillin. The results showed that one isolate active, alfamangostin, which is one xanton derivative, inhibits the growth of these bacteria with MIC of 1.57 to 12.5 ug / mL.
Anti-inflammatory studies of mangosteen rind is done using Mangostin of 40 percent ethanol extract had strong inhibitory activity against histamine release and synthesis of prostaglandin E2 as a mediator of inflammation. Methanol extracts of mangosteen rind has the effect of a strong reducing free radicals.

Mangosteen as Anti Cancer Herbal


In addition, the methanol extract of fruit peel mangosteen Mangostin can inhibit cancer cells and cause apoptosis in breast cancer cells and inhibits the production of reactive oxygen species as free radicals. Based on these studies, Mangostin of skin methanol extracts of the mangosteen fruit has potential as a chemopreventive against cancer.
Studies of anticancer activity in six xanton extracted from the bark of the mangosteen fruit in vitro on human leukemia cells obtained results show that all tested xanton inhibit cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis. The strongest effect in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells was carried out by alfamangostin.

Here is the complete mangosteen skin properties:

1. Anti-fatigue (energy booster / give power)
2. Powerful anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation)
3. Analgesic (prevents pain / prevent nerve pain)
4. Anti-ulcer (stomach, mouth and bowel ulcers)
5. Anti-depressant (low to moderate / prevent moodiness)
6. Anxyolytic (anti-anxiety effect / prevent anxiety / panic / anxiety)
7. Anti-Alzheimerian (helps Prevent dementia)
8. Anti-tumor and cancer prevention (multiple categories cited) … shown
to be capable of killing cancer cells / Preventing cancer.
9. Immunomodulator (multiple categories cited) – helps the immune system
10. Anti-aging (anti aging)
11. Anti-oxidant (Discard toxic in the body)
12. Anti-viral (kills germs)
13. Anti-biotic (modulates bacterial infections)
14. Anti-fungal (prevents fungal infections / menggela kkan toadstool)
15. Anti-seborrheaic (prevents skin disorders / skin mencantikkan)
16. Anti-lipidemic (blood fat lowering, L DL / remove cholesterol)
17. Anti-atheroscleroti c (prevents hardening of arteries)
18. Cardioprotective (Protects the heart / to the heart)
19. Hypotensive (blood pressure lowering / lowered blood pressure)
20. Hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic effect, helps lower blood sugar / subtract the sugar in the blood)
21. Anti-obesity (helps with weight loss / gain kuruskan)
22. Anti-arthritic (prevention of arthritis / prevent bone pain)
23. Anti-osteoporosis (helps Prevent the loss of bone mass)
24. Anti-periodontic (prevents gum disease / prevent bleeding gums)
25. Anti-allergenic (prevents allergic reaction)
26. Anti-calculitic (prevents kidney stones / rocks prevented)
27. Anti-pyretic (fever lowering / lowered temperature Badab)
28. Anti-Parkinson
29. Anti-diarrheal
30. Anti-neuralgic (reduces nerve pain / nerve pain)
31. Anti-vertigo (prevents dizziness)
32. Anti-glaucomic (prevents glaucoma / eye pain)
33. Anti-cataract (prevents cataracts)
34. Pansystemic – has a synergistic effect on the whole body / Offsetting the entire body.

How to use Mangosteen Peel

Peel and take mangosteen peel, slice into small pieces, then dried in the sun to dry and its water content is reduced. It also allows the skin mangosteen may be stored in the long term.Its use is quite like serving tea. take 2 or 3 pieces of chopped mangosteen peel is dried and then brewed with hot water. Wait until the water gets warm and drunk. The color of the water would exchange a little purple. Water taste a little Sepat but tasty.

Another way:

Dried mangosteen peel and puree until dry to form a
pollen. Then enter into the capsule and store in a cool place.
Use every day to taste like taking drugs.

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