Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Kesan Sampingan Aloe Vera

Aloe vera or Aloevera is one efficacious medicinal plants to cure various diseases. This plant has been used the Samaritans about the year 1875 BC. The ancient Egyptians had known properties of aloe vera as a medicine about 1500 BC. Thanks to its benefit, the ancient Egyptians called it the plant of immortality. Aloe vera is an effective natural moisturizer that can help the healing process of cuts, burns, and scratches. In addition, Aloe vera is also widely consumed as an alternative medicine to cure various diseases. Some scientific evidence suggests that aloe vera has positive effects on the immune system in immune diseases such as HIV. But apparently there are some dangers that may arise when taking aloe vera juice in large numbers and in the long run. Here are some negative effects that may occur when taking aloe vera juice:

1.    Allergic reactions - Consumption of aloe vera should be avoided, if you have a history of allergy to garlic, onions, tulips, or other plants of the lily family. The use of aloe vera topically or orally for people who have allergies to aloe vera can cause skin irritation, itching, cramping, and diarrhea.Aloe vera topical may cause skin irritation. Aloe by mouth, may have a laxative effect which can cause cramping and diarrhea. This can cause electrolyte imbalances in the blood of people taking Aloe Vera for several days.One simple way to test if you are allergic to aloe vera or not is to put some pure aloe vera fluid behind the ear. For people who are allergic to aloe vera, it is recommended to always read the label of each product used, because aloe vera are found mainly in a large number of skin care products, natural foods and herbs, and medicinal products.

2.    Colorectal Cancer - High doses of oral aloe dangerous. Long-term use may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Do not take the alligator through the mouth if you have intestinal problems, heart disease, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, diabetes, or electrolyte imbalance.Also according to genotoxicity studies showed that laxatives that contain aloe vera colorectal cancer risk even when used as directed.According to the Flora website, Pseudomelanosis coli bacteria could arise from the use of aloe vera in the long run, which is a cause of colorectal cancer risk.

3.    Diarrhea and Cramps - According to Mayo Clinic, The use of aloe or aloe latex by mouth for laxative effects can cause cramping or diarrhea. Use for over seven days may cause dependency or worsening of constipation after the aloe is stopped.  Aloe vera gel, topical or oral, must be free from athroquinones (especially compounds aloin). These are compounds that can irritate the digestive tract. Aloe vera leaf juice contains aloe latex, which is known as a laxative.

4.    Aloe vera can lead to diarrhea or cramps that can cause dangerous electrolyte imbalance, even though used only a few days. As a laxative, aloe vera is addictive and has a permanent negative effect on the health of the colon that can aggravate constipation (constipation). Interaction. If you take medication regularly, talk with your doctor before using aloe vera supplements. Aloe Vera can interact with medications and supplements as a cure for diabetes, heart medications roots, laxatives, steroids, and licorice. On 5 November 2002, the FDA (POM his BP America) does not recommend the use of aloe vera as a laxative.

5.    Blood Sugar Imbalance - Mayo Clinic states that aloe vera is consumed orally have the ability to lower blood sugar. Therefore, aloe vera should not be taken by people with diabetes unless under the supervision of health workers. Aloe vera is contraindicated with drugs such as insulin hypoglycemics, DiaBeta, metformin, glyburide, and glipizide.

6.    Death - According to the Mayo Clinic and Flora website, deaths due to kidney damage and severe bloody diarrhea that can occur due to toxic doses of aloe vera. Eating aloe vera orally with a concentration of 1 gram per day or more for several days is the dose that can be lethal (lethal dose).

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