Isnin, 28 Januari 2013

Anti-cancer strategies that work

Samaada artikel yang dibawah ini benar atau tidak Allah saja yang mengetahuinya. Justeru, eloklah anda lakukan penyelidikan anda sendiri secara intensif sebelum mendekati mana mana kaedah.

Anti-cancer strategies that work!

If you want to combat cancer or prevent it, this page is dedicated to those of you who rightfully believe that there are strategies that government corporations and the FDA do NOT want you to discover. Continue to research and empower yourself and continue to reject the corporate liars and medically licensed drug pushers that offer you expensive, temporary, toxic band aids, ill health and death. Several natural plants kill cancer INCLUDING HEMP OIL taken orally (THC and CBD's - the active ingredients in the Marijuana plant - were clinically researched in 1974 Virginia Studies, but covered up by DEA and President Ford) - the FDA and Big Pharma will NOT allow the eradication of cancer via natural means because they can't patent plants!


Dr. Burzynski cures cancer with Antineoplastons. The FDA & Big Pharma HATE him!
Watch this stunning movie right NOW:  Cancer Is A Serious Business


Your life and your health is your responsibility. Below are choices you can make that may result in consequences that change your life and your health for the better. Alternatively, you can place your health in the hands of strangers that have no interest in you other than your bank account. And one more thing ... if a product or person is continually persecuted by the FDA or other government source, you KNOW it is an attempt to remove something that REALLY WORKS. Included below are many of those things.


The Enemy? An acidic body triggered by emotions, diet or a physical trauma.

FACT 1: DIET - Cancer is frequently triggered by vitamin, mineral and enzyme nutritional deficiency. ALL cancer bodies are ACIDIC - pH balance is critical. Acid food and drinks create cancer. Cell detoxification is critical. Sugar is forbidden.


FACT 2: OXYGENATION - Important methods to combat cancer include Cell Oxygenation (consistent daily physical movement) and Far Infrared therapy (serious cell detox). An acidic body prevents oxygen being transported to the cells. Daily physical movement is critical.


FACT 3: EMOTIONAL ISSUES - To heal yourself, you MUST address the source of the physical manifestation of disease - negative emotions, which are ACIDIC and must be released from the cells to heal the body. Work on yourself and release issues - The Mind/Body Connection


FACT 4: CHEMO and RADIATION are chemical poisons which are proven to destroy life. Chemo only offers maximum 5 years survival rates!!!


"It's not about what happens to you, but what you do about it!"
-, Sydney

Cancer hates oxygen and cannot survive in its presence.


"Dr. Parris Kidd stated that 'Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system; i.e. resistance to disease, bacteria and viruses.' Dr. Stephen Levine stated that 'We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of disease.' Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration." - B. Goulet, The Magic of Aerobic Oxygen, Focus on Nutrition.

"Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous." - Dr. Harry Goldblatt.

"Oxygen gets rid of toxicity. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are destroyed in the presence of oxygen, especially cancer." - Dr. Alec Borsenko.

"Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, the primitive viruses - like HIV - which are found in AIDS and other diseases are lower life form viruses. These viruses and related bacteria are anaerobic. That means these microbes cannot live in oxygen." - Ed McCabe.


More vital than a simple breath.
When a body becomes acidic via negative emotions, acid food and drinks, the acidic environment prevents oxygenation of the cells.


1) Physical stimulation such as brisk walking, running, swimming, bicycling, rebounding and the Chi Machine.

2) Release emotional issues that flood the cells with acidic energy (more info further down page).

Cells must be alkaline - pH balance is critical.
DIET IS CRITICAL - All Cancer bodies are acidic!

Acid food and drinks trigger cancer. An acid body is a magnet or the master key to expose your body to sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH and oxygenate your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing cancer. It is extremely difficult to become ill if the body is pH balanced.


Acid and Alkaline food chart
Look at your present diet and determine what needs to be eliminated.

CANCER DIET  - A matter of life or death.

SUGAR is EVIL - it activates and feeds cancer, and ages you. ELIMINATE ALL SUGAR FROM DIET!


Concentrated Vit C saves lives!
Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C by LivOn - Find it on

An amazing story from New Zealand that happened in 2010 when 56yr old Alan Smith was on the literal brink of death (swine flu and leukemia), then thanks to his wife and three sons, vitamin C saved him. This family adamantly refused to allow medical doctors to let Alan die and battled them to an amazing victory which will help save other lives.

Possibly one of the biggest cover-ups known to modern man regarding the treatment of cancer.

Vitamin B17 is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot seeds. The use of Amygdalin (Laetrile/Vitamin B17) in the treatment of human cancer dates back at least to 1843, although the ancient Chinese are reported to have used bitter almonds containing significant quantities of it in the treatment of tumors some 3,000 years ago. Vitamin B17 was the name given to the purified form of Amygdalin by a Bio Chemist named Ernst T Krebs in 1952, who also called it Laetrile.

Why the cover-up? The cancer industry is a $200 Billion a year industry and the pharmaceutical multinationals are unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin B17, as it is derived from natural sources.

FACT: The apricot seed - B17 - prevents and kills cancer. Tribes such as the Eskimos, the Hopi, the Navajo and the Hunzas, have B17 in their diet, are CANCER FREE.

The very powerful pharmaceuticals companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you can't get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried ones which have all the important enzymes killed off.


In Depth Look at B17
Eye opening and very important! - 'World without Cancer' by G. Edward Griffin.

TIP: Eat lots of berries, and apples INCLUDING their seeds, for B17. Grounded Apricot Seeds can be purchased online.


Cayenne pepper increases blood flow. Cancer cells frequently thrive in areas where circulation is poor. Like garlic, cayenne is one of the oldest and most powerful healing remedies in the world.

"If you want to become a powerful healer for yourself and your family, master one herb ... cayenne pepper. Knowing cayenne deeply will give you and your family more cures than dabbling in twenty herbs." - PERSECUTED, Dr. Schulze,one of the foremost authorities in the world on natural healing and herbal medicine.


Marine Phytoplankton - Umac-Core

Tom Harper in Canada, discovered by chance, this stunning medical and scientific breakthrough for human health.
The most complete form of nutrition in the world. Tom used Marine Phytoplankton to kill a rare form of cancer that he was dying from - it also killed his diabetes! Available in capsule or liquid form.

Go to You Tube and type in: Tom Harper - Another Day. Watch his amazing story!



In 1937 Dr John Wolfer, then director of the cancer clinic at Northwestern University Medical School arranged for Rene Caisse (who was given the herb recipe by Native Indians) to treat 30 terminal cancer patients under the supervision of 5 doctors. After 18 months the doctors concluded that Essiac had relieved pain, shrunk tumors, and improved the survival odds of these patients.


"A doctor whose patient had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, showed signs of recovery. When the doctor rang me he confirmed it was me who had helped the patient, then said, "I will stop you from doing this to our industry". Now that he has stopped the importation of this treatment he can now boast to his patients and colleagues that he has stopped cancer patients from purchasing Essiac in Australia." - M. Costello.


Baking Soda - Alkalinity and higher oxygen levels.

PERSECUTED - Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini destroys cancer with Sodium Bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It's an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days.


"Garlic has been shown to help our white blood cells not only defend us against cancer, but also to increase our ability to destroy tumors... Garlic has been found to stimulate inteferon production, enhance natural killer cells, stop tumor growth, and even reduce the associated pain of cancer.  Most of the research has been done on cancers of the digestive tract." - Dr Shulze.



"Purple (Concord) grapes (with their skin and seeds), and to a slightly lesser degree red and black grapes, contain several nutrients that are known to kill cancer cells. These kinds of grapes also contain nutrients to stop the spread of cancer. They also help detoxify the body." - Cancer Tutor.

The Johanna Brandt Grape Diet
a) Not recommended for bone cancer or diabetics.
b) The Fred Wortman Grape Diet does NOT work.



"Various studies have shown that phytoceuticals in Mangosteen (in some cases known to be its xanthones) have properties such as: anti-tumor (shrinks tumors), anti-leukemia, antifungal (critical for all cancer patients), antibacterial (to protect DNA), antioxidants (at least two dozen different kinds of xanthones are in the mangosteen fruit), antiproliferation, kills cancer cells and causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) for some types of cancer. This is a pretty impressive list of cancer credentials." - Cancer Tutor


Pineapples (they contain Bromelain), 
Acai Berries (kill leukemia cells),  Kefir.
Fresh Carrot Juice, Tumeric Powder, Broccoli.
Daily glass of Red Wine for lung cancer, as well as general health.
Coral Calcium - Rapid method to expel acid and stabilize pH balance in body.


Glyconutition - Revolutionary option for cancer patients as well as other illnesses.

The body can do nothing without enzymes.

"Since the second decade of this century there has existed an effective, powerful cancer treatment - Enzyme Therapy (ET), based upon this theory (Beard's), and which is non-toxic, non-mutilating, and highly successfulÅ .that ET was not perfected and made universal, is one of the great mysteries of modern times; possibly the greatest of all time."- Dr Richards, MB, BcH.

"Raise the metabolic enzymes in the blood and you have a powerhouse of dissolving solutions that may engulf any unhealthy conditions at any place in the body....Condemned to in-operable stomach cancer 24 years ago, I discovered a safe, natural way to save my life."- Carson Pierce, N.D.(1995).


Cooking destroys ALL enzymes in our food, and we consume far too much concentrated protein in our diet. The chimps, one of our closest relatives consume LESS than 5% animal protein in their diet. Some apes eat none. Contrast this with the average human who eats two to three meals a day with meat, anywhere from 20-60% meat in their diet, and COOKED.

"When a person eats anything processed he or she is not only eating "dead food" (those in which the enzymes have been destroyed), but he or she is adding a second very destructive force to his body, the destructive force of food preservatives. This may not be too significant for a normal healthy person, but for the cancer patient it may mean life or death. The liver must detoxify, destroy, or metabolize all foreign substances from the body. When one eats foods with preservatives, it adds an extra burden upon the liver, which the cancer patient cannot accept." - Dr. Kelley.


1) Eat as much raw, fresh food as possible -
fruit and veggies.
Stay away from cooked food which ages your skin, and can be toxic to healthy cells actually creating a perfect environment for Cancer. Research A.G.E.s and Glycation.

2)  Liquid Enzymes
Excellent for enzyme depletion, instant energy, acid reflux and mental focus.

NOTE: Far Infrared therapy (see below) stimulates enzyme activity within the body.

3) Pancreatic Enzymes:

"The cancer patient will want to give up cooked and commercially produced meat such as beef, pork, lamb and fowl immediately. Cooked meat is harmful for the cancer patient, as the very same enzymes used in its digestion are needed for fighting and digesting the cancer. All natural, self-made enzymes your body can produce should be used to fight the cancer.

Commercial meat should be avoided for another reason; it has a high female sex hormone content. For commercial reasons most animals, especially beef and fowl produced in the United States have been fed large quantities of hormones. Since an overabundance of female sex hormones initiate cancer, meat of this type should be excluded from the cancer patient¹s diet .... At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes." - Dr. William D. Kelley - PERSECUTED - Dr. Kelley had nearly a 93% cure rate on cancer patients who used no orthodox treatments. Beloved movie star Steve McQueen was cured by Dr.Kelley but was apparently murdered in hospital before he could tell the world.


Detox of the cells is critical.

"In reality, a person very rarely dies of cancer. It is always starvation and toxicity. As the malignant tumor grows, it gives off waste products which must be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. These waste products accumulate and gradually overburden the body. Most persons then die of toxemia." - Dr. Kelley.

Stimulate your lymphatic system daily.
Clean out your colon.
Detox your liver.

Lymphatic System
Your Lymphatic System MUST be stimulated daily (via movement - exercise) in order to remove daily toxicity. Lymph can only be moved around the body as the result of physical activity - the Sun Ancon Chi Machine (discussed above) generates such movement.

1) Exercise is critical for cancer patients. It puts a stress on the heart and pumps the blood faster. But perhaps more importantly, it pumps the lymph system and is critical to getting the toxins out of the body. The lymph system has no pump (such as the heart pumps the circulatory system), only muscles can pump the lymph system. Obviously, many people with advanced cancer cannot go for a walk. If going on a walk is not advisable or possible, you should lift a book or something else and do exercises two or three times a day for 10 minutes total each time. - Cancer Tutor

Both rebounding on a trampoline and the Sun Ancon Chi Machine stimulate the lymphatic system thereby creating detoxification. Rebounding is great for the physically able whereas the Chi Machine can be used by everyone including the frail, the elderly and the bedridden.

2) Drink as much water as possible every day - Sip it frequently as opposed to gulping down the occasional glass.

3) Fresh, raw fruit and vegetables for pH balance and energy.

4) Far Infrared therapy (see below) creates serious detoxification and is known for it's ability to detox our cells from heavy metal poisoning and drugs.

5) The coffee enema is very stimulating to the liver and is the greatest aid in elimination of the liver¹s toxic wastes.The coffee enema, besides stimulating liver detoxification, also has beneficial effects in cleaning the colon. Coffee is an excellent solvent for encrusted waste accumulated along the walls of the colon.

Far Infrared heat therapy is proven to kill cancer and detox the cells.

Far Infrared from Japan
Far Infrared therapy combats cancer, reduces swelling and inflammation, regenerates damaged tissues, stimulates enzyme activity and removes chemicals, poisons and heavy metal toxins.

1) Sunshine contains Vitamin D and Far Infrared which cancer cells hate. Sit in the sunshine for 15 to 20 minutes every day.

2)  Far Infrared Hothouse Dome
Far Infrared is used in Europe to combat and destroy cancer and also used in Japan to heal victims from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bombs. Far Infrared unit must be 8-10 microns, such as the FIR Hothouse Dome seen above.

Far Infrared is excellent for chemical and heavy metal detox. Chemtrails and vaccines contribute to cancer by flooding our cells with poison. Daily detox of the cells is critical factor to stay well or to become well.

A strong immune system protects your cells and enables healing.
Chemotherapy destroys your immune system often causing irreversible damage.


Canadian Rick Simpson holding Hemp Oil.
Hemp Oil (pure THC or CBD's) ingested daily, is proven to kill cancer.
THC and CBD's cause cancer cells to ravenously and indiscriminately destroy themselves.

HEMP OIL kills cancer (THC - the resin on the marajuana plant) - Proven by Canadian Rick Simpson now living in European exile due to ongoing PERSECUTION! - RESEARCH the shocking cover up by the US government of their own Virginia studies in 1974. Recent research in Europe has also proven the same.

1) BIG PHARMA KEEPS MARIJUANA ILLEGAL BECAUSE PLANTS CANNOT BE PATENTED WHICH MEANS NO MONEY FOR BIG PHARMA. If you have cancer, please watch the following video and follow the advice:
'Run From The Cure' 
- The RICK SIMPSON story. Explore his site, learn and apply.

Cash Hyde - 'Cancer Fears Me!'.
Keeping Cancer alive is a billion dollar business,
but thousands are now rejecting killer chemo and turning to nature.

2) Cash Hyde: 2yr old boy with stage 4 brain cancer tumor, recovers after parents fed him Hemp Oil, 2010:
The story of Cash: a)  b)
c) /


3) MUST WATCH PREVIEW: "What If Cannabis Cured Cancer" - Narrated by Emmy-winning actor Peter Coyote, A film by Len Richmond, available full length at  - EYE OPENING INFO! - "Excellent film", Andrew Weil M.D.

4) Where can you get HEMP OIL? Cost?
10/31/11: Hemp Oil is available from Medicinal Marijuana Clinics which are legal in 16 states - Alaska, Hawaii, NM, AZ, NV, CA, OR, WA, MT, CO, MI, NJ, MA, VT, RI, DE and DC - pending in 6 other states. Hemp Oil cannot be mailed, you must purchase in person. Cost? We found it for $45.00 for 1grm - also known as 'Rick Simpson Oil'. You need a permit from a doctor to enter a medicinal marijuana clinic - if you don't know how to get a permit, ask the marijuana clinic and they will guide you.

Please Note:
Hemp SEED Oil is a dietary supplement available online and via mail, and is not the Hemp Oil we are talking about. Hemp Oil cannot be mailed out and must be purchased in person.

b) The best oil comes from the female flowers of the Indica plant as oppsed to the Sativa plant.

c) Hemp Oil will make you sleepy, so ingest at night - dosage is x1-3 daily, amount is size of a grain of rice. Hemp Oil is NOT addictive.

d) Smoking marijuana does NOT kill cancer, but alleviates pain.


5) NEW DECEMBER Oct 16th, 2011: The Caliornia Medical Association now supports marijuana legalization, and the AMA is apparently now pushing to conduct clinical trials:


6) PBS DOCUMENTARY: Clearing The Smoke - The Science Of Cannabis:


7) CANNABIS DESTROYS CANCER CELLS - UCLA research and many others studies worldwide agree:




9) Cannabis Oil Kills Skin Cancer - David Triplett - History and Photo Documentation.


Chlorine dioxide which kills pathogens by oxidation and strengthens the immune system. A discovery by an American named JIM HUMBLE, that (like B17) will turn the doctors and pharmaceutical companies on their heads and will no doubt be suppressed and maligned. MMS has been proven to kill Malaria, AIDS and various Cancers. A few drops of MMS every day is all it takes. Results with MMS have been extraordinary.

BetaLoe boosts and protects the immune system.


The FDA would prefer you didn't know about this. The ingredients? Aloe Vera and the 'magic' ingredient,
Beta-1, 3-D Glucan, a yeast extract.



A very powerful anti-viral and a brilliant alternative antibiotic that the FDA hates. No it will NOT turn your skin blue unless you drink low grade silver, or home brew with added ingredients! An occasional tablespoon will destroy flu virus before it takes hold, general malaise, and good for treating skin cancer (as is hemp oil).

Colloidal Silver
The most comprehensive and objective source of information on isolated silver colloids and ionic silver solutions in the world.

We personally recommend Sovereign Silver which we believe is the best on the market - order via

GRAVIOLA LEAVES from the Amazon rainforest. "In at least 20 laboratory tests since the 1970s, graviola has been proven to hunt down and kill cancer cells in the prostate, lung, breast, colon and pancreas." -

SLEEP! Sleep heals and rejuvinates the body and the mind.




EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques - tapping)
Tapping is free, easy, anyone can do it, and it works!!! EFT is energy healing of the body created by stimulation of specific physical meridians by tapping them with your fingers. Gary Craig is the man that brought this to the public and the results have been phenomenal.

Copy/paste this link below, watch the video, and incorporate tapping into your everyday routine:

FREE EFT Manual - click to download.

Chi Lel - Natural healing.


CHI-LEL - Ginny's Story
Chi-Lel is a series of physical movements that only take 15 mins. The DVD and book - 101 Healing Miracles by Luke Chan -  may be ordered via the website above. Chi-Lel has a 94% success rate when practiced daily. If you click on the Chi-Lel link, you will read a remarkable story of a woman that used Chi-Lel to heal her cancer, once she understood the mind-body connection. Until you resolve and release mental and emotional issues, all the machines and remedies in the world will not completely heal you!

 Emotional Cancer - Tom Kenyon
A superb article that illustrates what this is and how to deal with it. The physical body holds onto emotions which often manifest into serious physical illness, sooner or later. These issues can be deeply embedded into our tissues from experiences earlier in life, or from recent life trauma - anger, grief, loss. Identify the issues, take action, release, let go, and let the real healing begin!

Emotional release techniques include: Keep a journal, use a pillow or punching bag for anger, write a letter but don't send it, sit in a chair and imagine the person involved sitting in a chair opposite you and have a conversation (good if the person is passed on, unavailable or you don't want to face them in person). When you experience emotion, EXPRESS YOURSELF - DO NOT STUFF IT DOWN INSIDE YOUR BODY, where it makes your cells acidic, which creates illness, which can lead to cancer.


"When They Say Nothing Can Be Done"- Author Bob Unterbrink. Jr.

Bob's book is filled with information that you cannot be without. 'After watching his mother die an agonizing death from brain cancer while undergoing the "best available" medical treatment, and having heard the devastating words "Nothing can be done", Bob set out on a personal quest to uncover any information he could about useful alternative treatments for cancer.' Twenty five years of intense research resulted in the fantastic wealth of information contained in this book.

Contents include:
Metastasis Inhibition - Tumeric, Green Tea, Seaweed, Tangerines.
Nutritional Anti-Cancer Strategies - Enzymes, Carrot Juice, Essiac Tea.
Liver and Colon Detoxification.
Macrobiotic Diet.
Big Secrets - Oxygen, Acid pH, Alkalizing, Magnetism.
Some Big Guns - DIM, Mega Dosing with Vitamin C, Vitamin A.
Herbs and Cancer - Garlic, Cat's Claw, Cayenne Pepper, Selenium and Glutathione.
Electrical Apparatus - Far Infrared, Rife Machines.
Immune Stimulation - Beta Glucan, Organic Geranium, Reishi Mushroom.
Raising White Blood Cell Counts.

Bob has drawn together in this book, the "varied insights and possible non-destructive ways of treating cancer" from "those alternative cancer treatment pioneers, many of them savagely persecuted over the years" whose work and dedication made this outstanding book possible.

Call Ken at (1) 502 592 5459 to order.


Alternative Cancer Treatments:
PERSECUTED - - Very Important site - MUST read.

Answer To Cancer:
PERSECUTED - Dr.William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. - Absolute MUST read. Dr. Kelley was aggressively persecuted and oppressed during his years of treating cancer patients. His success was unparalleled in the world of conventional medicine. His patients included movie star legend, Steve McQueen.

"I speak as a cancer patient who 7 years ago was sent home to die by a doctor who told me there was nothing more traditional medicine could do for me - One of the doctors who performed my surgery told me that I had the fastest growing type known to man and cobalt and chemo would not help me - if I had accepted the advice of my doctor, if I had not been directed to Dr. Kelley, I would be another cancer statistic."- Pat Judson, 1972, to Michigan State Legislature.

Not Milk -
MUST read - Cows milk is devastating to the human body. The government won't tell the public the truth because millions of $$$ will be lost. The only recommended milk in certain cases needed for healing, is RAW milk.

The importance of detox cannot be underestimated, especially if you have Cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Here are some reasons why!

AVOID vaccinations, chemotherapy and prescribed medications!


A Natural Cure For All Cancers Does Exist (besides Hemp Oil):



The men who researched and proved this cancer cure many years ago, experienced persecution and their research and work was shut down publicly. Today, in 2010, there is another ongoing push to make this happen. This cancer remedy cannot be patented, is inexpensive, and the pharmaceutical industry and the medical oncology community will therefore make little profit. Requests for funding and research in the USA have been futile.

"Stand Up To Cancer" is a joke! - Many years of research and many billions of dollars invested, yet cancer is still rampant?!!!  The public is being betrayed and allowed to become sick and die - millions of dollars are being wasted that could be directed to the truth and a proven natural remedy, as opposed to more toxic drugs from big pharma to appease the public and keep population control - major donors and stockholders are involved with big pharma so it is NOT in their interest to give the public a cancer cure at anytime in the near future.




24hr Hotline and Email.


Extensive information on alternative healing.


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