Buah Merah
As an alternative medicine pandanous
conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) is very phenomenal. For a short term
pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) becomes a topic of
conversation not only in Indonesia but also the world starts to interest in its
intensity. Testimony of pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) appeared
so many that its strengthen the conviction about the success on treatment
then its popularity increase amazingly. Since
Pandanous conoideus / red fruit Oil launched, consumers amazingly responded.
That unpredictable reaction is supporting us to give the best service for
consumers. As Producer we are not only responsible to produce high quality
pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) Oil but also develop product through
continual research. We make collaboration with a few research institutions like
Indonesian Institute of science (LIPI) to control our qualities and product
development. Now we are combining Pandanous conoideus / red fruit and VCO
(Virgin Coconut Oil) as our new product diversification with Indonesian
Institute of science. Our Pandanous conoideus / red fruit has registered at
Departemen Kesehatan RI (Department of health RI) and POM (Indonesia Food
and Drug Administration). This website is published
with a great respect of our moral responsibility to represent the true
information about pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) among
Recognizing about pandanous conoideus (buah merah)
At present, pandanous conoideus (red
fruit / buah merah) has known not only for people who has diseases but also for
communities with healthy life concerned. It is not surprising us when some
people have opinion that pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) is God's
help as an alternative treatment since medication is hardly to find.
Amazing fruit
from papua
merah (pandanus conoides lam) is a wild plant which almost grow at all Papua
region. But most population could seen at Jayawijaya mountain area(Wamena and
Tolikara), Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire, Timika, and Ayamaru Sorong. Local
inhabitants has known this plant as foodstuff and natural dye for generations. Traditionally
they are also sure that pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) safely
consume for skin and eye medicine, and worm treatment beside food supplement as
the other side advantage. So they has felt the intensity of this pandanous
conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) long time ago.
Taxonomy and
Morphology of pandanous conoideus (buah merah)
papua area grow around 30 cultivar of pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah
merah). But only 4 variety which has high economy value among others such as
merah panjang (long red), merah pendek (short red), cokelat (brown), and kuning
(yellow). Pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) which is now used
as medicine is merah panjang (long red) variety. The size is around 100 cm
length and 18 cm diameter length. The fruit has blunt edge, cylindrical shape,
and heart point with 7.5 kg weight. fruit form pandanous family has
specific characteristic than other fruits like its content of very concentrated
red color as a signal that fruit has high beta carotene.
Buah Merah
Buah Merah adalah sejenis buah
tradisional dari Papua.
Oleh masyarakat Wamena,
Papua, buah ini disebut kuansu. Nama ilmiahnya Pandanus Conoideus Lam
karena tanaman Buah Merah termasuk tanaman keluarga pandan-pandanan
dengan pohon menyerupai pandan, namun tinggi tanaman dapat mencapai 16 meter
dengan tinggi batang bebas cabang sendiri setinggi 5-8 m yang diperkokoh
akar-akar tunjang pada batang sebelah bawah. Kultivar
buah berbentuk lonjong dengan kuncup tertutup daun buah. Buah Merah sendiri
panjang buahnya mencapai 55 cm, diameter 10-15 cm, dan bobot 2-3 kg. Warnanya
saat matang berwarna merah marun terang, walau sebenarnya ada jenis tanaman ini
yang berbuah berwarna coklat dan coklat kekuningan. Bagi masyarakat di Wamena, Buah Merah disajikan untuk makanan pada pesta
adat bakar batu. Namun, banyak pula yang memanfaatkannya sebagai obat. Secara
tradisional, Buah Merah dari zaman dahulu secara turun temurun sudah dikonsumsi
karena berkhasiat banyak dalam menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti
mencegah penyakit mata, cacingan, kulit, dan meningkatkan stamina.
Budidaya tanaman
dipelopori oleh seorang warga lokal Nicolaas Maniagasi sejak tahun 1983, dan
atas jerih payahnya tersebut mendapatkan penghargaan lingkungan hidup Kehati
Award 2002.
Buah ini banyak terdapat di Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire, dan Wamena.
Kandungan dan khasiat
Adapun penelitian
tentang khasiat pengobatan Buah Merah pertama kali dilakukan oleh peneliti
dosen Universitas Cendrawasih di Jayapura yaitu
Drs. I Made
Budi M.S. sebagai ahli gizi dan dosen Universitas Cendrawasih sempat
mengamati secara seksama kebiasaan masyarakat tradisional di Wamena, Timika dan
desa-desa kawasan pegunungan Jayawijaya yang mengkonsumsi Buah Merah.
Pengamatan atas masyarakat lokal berbadan lebih kekar dan berstamina tinggi,
padahal hidup sehari-hari secara asli tradisional yang serba terbatas dan
terbuka dalam berbusana dalam kondisi alam yang keras serta terkadang bercuaca
cukup dingin di ketinggian pegunungan. Keistimewaan fisik penduduk lain yakni
jarang yang terkena penyakit degeneratif seperti: hipertensi,
penyakit jantung dan kanker. Dengan meneliti kandungan
komposisi gizinya, ternyata dalam ujud sari Buah Merah itu banyak mengandung antioksidan
(kandungan rata-rata):
Di samping beberapa zat
lain yang meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, antara lain: asam oleat,
linoleat, asam linolenat, dekanoat,
Omega 3 dan Omega 9 yang semuanya merupakan senyawa aktif penangkal
terbentuknya radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Betakaroten berfungsi memperlambat berlangsungnya penumpukan flek pada arteri. Jadi aliran
darah ke jantung dan otak berlangsung tanpa sumbatan. Interaksinya dengan
protein meningkatkan produksi antibodi. Ini meningkatkan jumlah sel pembunuh alami dan
memperbanyak aktivitas sel T Helpers dan limposit. Suatu kutipan studi
membuktikan konsumsi betakaroten 30-60 mg/hari selama 2 bulan membuat tubuh
dapat memperbanyak sel-sel alami pembasmi penyakit. Bertambahnya sel-sel alami
itu menekan kehadiran sel-sel kanker karena ampuh menetralisasikan radikal
bebas senyawa karsinogen penyebab kanker. Dalam beberapa penelitian terbatas yang dilakukan I Made Budi dengan metode
pengobatan langsung dengan Sari Buah Merah, peneliti mengungkapkan keberhasilan
yang amat tinggi dalam upaya pengobatan yang dilaksanakan terhadap beberapa
Diperoleh dari "http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buah_Merah_Papua"
Benefit of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus) Extract
Red Fruit extract by the benefits already
enjoyed by thousands of people who has consumed it. Many who claim that the Red Fruit is very powerful in helping overcome various
degenerative diseases. If you want to try new things to improve health
or the health of your red fruit and is suitable to be tested. Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) effective to increase the
resistance so the body can help weaken the virus in HIV / AIDS
Red Fruit Benefits
Red fruit extract was first introduced as a nutritious health
supplement by Drs. I Made Budi, M.S. At the beginning of this research the
ingredient only be distributed to families and neighbors who suffer pain.
Because evidently powerful, news concerning Red fruit quickly spread this
blessing and this is contagious pounding the campaign more than 1,000 people in
various regions and the world now feel the benefit of Red fruit extract.
Disease that can be cured by Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus) variety, including:
Cancer, Tumor, Cholesterol, Acid muscle, Diabetes, Hypertension, Flek
tuberculosis, hepatitis, coronary heart, eyes Pain Management, and Osteoporosis
(brittle bones). Red fruit effective to
increase the resistance so the body can help weaken the virus in HIV / AIDS.
Tokoferol, alfatokoferol, and beta-carotene in the Fruit Red works as
antioxidants able to prevent the free radical. This is the third compound that
helps the process of healing the disease of cancer, tumor, and HIV / AIDS. This
compound antioxidants work to press and kill the cancer cells are dangerous.
Tokoferol found in the Red Fruit is a natural vitamin E
can thin the blood. This is good for people with stroke. Meanwhile, in the body
betacarotene will be converted into vitamin A that can not be produced by the
human body. Vitamin A is what works to help heal diseases related to eyes.
Red Fruit the next herbal remedy
Red Fruit Chemical Substances
Healthy fatty acid compounds, such as omega 9, omega 6, omega
3 and helps contribute to the system of the brain. In addition, this compound
in the body can also work as antioxidants. Calcium and iron that is in the red
fruit is very high and can help prevent and treat Osteoporosis.
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