Khamis, 23 Februari 2012

Minyak Zaitun Palestin

Pada 2008, kita dikhabarkan pelakon terkenal, Azean Irdawaty hanya mempunyai tempoh dua tahun untuk hidup.Bahkan beberapa laman web tempatanmenguar-uarkanberitabahawaAzeanhanyamampuhidupsehinggaOktober 2010.Ramalan sensasi yang tidakdiketahuisejauhmana benarnya membuatkan peminat primadona air mata itu terkejut.Mingguan Malaysia berusaha menghubunginya baru-baru ini.Panggilan disambut namun nada suara Azean tidak seceria dahulu.Bicaranyajugatidaklagi rancak tetapi umum mengerti penderitaan mental dan fizikal yang terpaksa ditanggung wanita berusia 61 tahun itu.Dia mahu berehat setelah masalah keluarga yang menimpa dirinya benar-benar menguji kekuatannya.PasrahdenganketentuanTuhan, Azeantidakpernahputusasauntukmencaripenawar.MesradenganpanggilanKak Yan, Azeantidaklokekberkongsidenganmasyarakatamalankesihatanselamahampirempattahunmenghidapkanserpayudara.“Kak Yan hanyamelakukan aktiviti seperti biasa.Jika tiada perkara penting atau urusan yang memerlukan Kak Yan keluar rumah, Kak Yan hanya berehat di rumah. ”MemangbenarKak Yan sudahberhentimelakukanrawatankanser yang lain. Namun Kak Yan masih berjumpa doktor untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan.Sekarang, Kak Yan makan vitamin Nutrilite.Alhamdulillah, kesihatanmasihbaik,” ujarnya.Dalampadaitu, Kak Yan banyakmemenuhimasadenganmelakukanamalibadatselainmenjalanirawatanberlandaskan al-Quran sejakdululagi.Baginya, mendekatkandiridenganTuhandapatmemberikandiakekuatandanketenangan.“NasihatKak Yan kepada pesakit kanser yang lain, jika penyakit itu datang, carilah ubat dan jangan berputus asa. Kita tidak dapat melawan takdir tetapi kita perlu kuat,”katanya yang sudahtiadaperasaanrinduuntukterlibatdalamkegiatanseni.MengimbaskembalipenderitaanAzean, tidak sepertikanserpayudarabiasa, selkansertelahmerebakdua kali dalambadannya.Azeanmenjalanirawatankemoterapisebanyakdua kali pada 2007 (enampusingan) dan 2008 (12 pusingan).Selepasmenjalanirawatankemoterapi pertama, Azean melakukanrawatanherseptinsebanyak 17 kali untukmemastikanselkansertidakmerebak.Demi kehidupan yang lebih baik, Azean perlumenempuhnyakeranajeniskanser yang dihidapinyaamatjarangdansangatagresif.
Tidaksampaisetahunmenghabiskanrawatan,sekalilagihidupAzeandiuji.Selkansermerebakkeparu-parudanhati.AzeankemudianmelakukanrawatankemoterapisekalilagihinggaJanuari 2009.Usahanya untukterushiduptidaksetakatitu.Azean masihmeneruskan rawatan secara tradisional seperti memakan habba tus sawda iaitu sejenis bunga di negara Arab, minyak zaitun dara dari Palestin dan biji buah aprikot dari Australia.
Ketika masih aktif dalam bidang lakonan, Azean memang menjaga makanan seimbang termasuk melebihkan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Bahkan, Azean jugamengamalkan yoga setiappagisejakberusia 20-an lagi.MungkinsudahditakdirsupayaAzeanlebihtabahmenjalanikehidupan, diadiujidengankanserpayudara.Azeantetaptenangdenganadanyasokongan suami dan anak-anak walaupun diuji dengan kes penangkapan anaknya Benjy tahun lalu. Di sebalik peristiwa itu, masih ramai yang menjadikan Azean ikon pesakit kanser dan seorang ibu.

Cancer can be prevented: 

Jika mengamalkan meminumminyakzaitunsatusudusebelahpagidansatusudusebelahmalam, kitadapatmenghindarpenyakitbarah, terutamabarahpayudarabagiparawanita, danjugaserangan jantung kerana kandungan antioksida (polyphenol) yang tinggi.

Kita dapati 
AzeanIrdawaty, 59  telahmenggunaminyakzaitun Palestine untukmengubatipenyakitbarahpayudarasetelahtidak mampu menanggung kos yang tinggi. Walaupun sebelum ini para doktor mengatakan bahawa beliau hanya dapat hidup sehingga Okt 2010.Berkat beliau meminum minyak zaitun Palestine, kini beliau telah sehat (rujuk juga Majalah MIDI Bil 109, 15 Mac 2011).
Jikaandainginmembeli minyak zaitun, pilihlahminyakzaitun yang halal dankadarkandunganasid yang rendahkeranaselkansertidakbolehmembiak di persekitaran yang beralkali. Minyak Zaitun Palestine adalahminyakzaitunterbaik di duniakeranaianyadaripersekitaran yang diberkatioleh Allah SWT dalam Al Quran Surah Al Israa ayat No. 1.Minyakzaitunitusendiriadalahminyak yang jugadiberkatioleh Allah SWT seperti di Al Quran Surah An Nuur ayat no. 35.
Permintaan minyak zaitun Palestine di United Kingdom dan di Amerika Syarikat meningkat dari tahun ke setahun kerana pengguna di sana mementingkan kualiti dan juga khasiat yang boleh mereka perolehi dari minyak zaitun Palestine.

Di negara kita juga paradoktor yang dahulumenggunaminyakzaitundarilainpengeluarkinitelahberalihmenggunaminyakzaitun Palestine setelahmereka mengetahui kebaikan yang boleh mereka perolehi dari minyak zaitun Palestine tersebut.

(i) Minyak Zaitun Palestine
Olive oil will:
    • Promote a smooth, radiant complexion
    • Help maintain elasticity of skin
    • Heal dry, brittle nails and soften cuticles
    • Condition and add shine to hair
  1. Will olive oil help fighting cancer?
Previous studies (4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Compounds Fight Breast Cancer) have already shown the olive oil benefits to fighting breast. Specific compounds found in olive oil (lignans and secoiridoids) seem to act against aggressive types of breast cancer by suppressing the Her2 gene. In the past natural compounds found in plants such as olive oil that have an anti-inflammatory effect by removing free radicals, have already repeatedly shown to help in cancer prevention but no study has addressed this topic in depth to the extent of being able to use such compounds to create new more natural drugs to fight cancer.
  1. 7 Very Healthy Reasons to Turn to Olive Oil

Benefits of Olive Oil

byEditor on October 4, 2009
Olive oil is commonly used in the Mediterranean diet (one of the most recommended for a healthy lifestyle) and you may have heard of the olive oil brings many benefits. You may have also heard that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is even better for your health. However, I can tell you that even in those household where this great natural resource is regularly used, people may not know what the main benefits of olive oil are.
Olive oil benefits - Drinking fresh olive oil

1) Olive oil reduces the of risk of cardiovascular diseases

In those Mediterranean countries where olive oil is consumed a lot, (such as Greece, Italy, and Spain), there is a low incidence of cardiovascular disease. The mild vegetable mucilage in olive oil helps protect your body’s digestive tract.

2)Olive oil has shown beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis

Using olive oil as main dressing oil helps preventing constipation and in general maintains the digestive tract in good health.

3) Olive oil helps to reduce blood pressure

A study was done in 2002 that showed that Virgin Olive Oil might help with lowering cholesterol. (See: Effects of an onion-olive oil maceration product containing essential ingredients of the Mediterranean diet on blood pressure and blood fluidity).The results? After one week of taking olive oil daily (minus any “good foods and drinks… or fatty foods), the blood tests showed that the participants had higher levels of phenol and Vitamin E in their bodies. The study shows you how powerful olive oil can be and how it can help control healthy cholesterol levels.

4) Olive oil eases or prevents diabetes

Olive oil provides a diet high in monounsaturated fat. Researchers in Spain published an article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in September 2003 has shown calorie-controlled diabetic diets high in monounsaturated fat do not cause weight gain and are more pleasing to eat than low-fat diets.

5) Olive oil lessens the severity of asthma or arthritis

Regular use of olive oil has been associated with lower rates of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are used by the body to produce substances which are relatively anti-inflammatory. By reducing inflammation, these fats can help reduce the severity of arthritis symptoms, and may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of asthma

6) Olive oil can possibly help in the prevention of colon cancer

While most other fats are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, olive oil is actually associated with a reduced risk of this disease. Olive oil contains 77% monounsaturated fatty acids, 14% saturated fatty acids, and 9% polyunsaturated fatty acids, plus vegetable mucilage and Vitamin E. Monounsaturated fatty acids are far less easily damaged by oxygen than other types of fat. They are therefore less likely to produce free radicals, which damage cell membranes and can cause Cancer.

7) Olive oil moisturizes skin and slower aging process

Olive oil is rich in vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C, D, and Iron. Most importantly, olive oil helps the body to maintain strong levels of vitamin E, which is a great helper in delaying the aging process. You can also use olive oil as face moisturizer since the healthy fatty acid existing in olive oil encourage soft and suppler skin.

Conclusive notes

Suggestion: Please remember, though, that heating the olive oil and ingesting it that way will most likely not benefit you much. The olive oil needs to be ingested right from the bottle. Otherwise, it would not benefit you much… if any.
  1. Olive Oil - MinyakZaitun Palestine
Cancer Prevention
One study, published by The Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that women who consume high levels of mono-unsaturated fat have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.133 Another study by scientists at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York demonstrated that b-sitosterol, a fat found in vegetable oils such as olive oil, helps prevent the formation of prostate cancer cells. The researchers concluded that b-sitosterol strengthens the internal communication system of the cell that issues the command for the cells to divide and that cancer can thus be prevented before cell division reaches an uncontrollable level.
A recent study by doctors at the University of Oxford has shown that olive oil has a protective effect against intestinal cancer. The doctors discovered that olive oil enters into a reaction with stomach acid in order to prevent intestinal cancer from beginning. At the same time, the University of Oxford researchers also established that olive oil reduces the level of bile and raises that of DAO (the enzyme diamine oxidase), thus protecting against abnormal cell growth and cancer.
  1. Olive Oil - Minyak Zaitun Palestine
Benefits for Coronary and Arterial Health:
Most of the fatty acids in olives and olive oil are mono-unsaturated. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids do not contain cholesterol. Therefore, olive oil does not raise cholesterol levels but instead keeps them under control. Olive oil also contains omega-6 linoleic acid (EFA: essential fatty acid), which is essential for the human body. Due to this feature, health-related bodies (such as The World Health Organization) recommend that at least 30% of the fatty acid consumed in societies in which hardened artery and diabetes levels are high should consist of omega-6. This increases the importance of the olive still further.

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