Rabu, 21 Disember 2011

Scientific Cancer Facts

Scientific Cancer Facts

To base the whole argument of wether Latrile works of not solely on laboratory experiemants and their results is ludicrous.

Since cancer research and treatments run into the billions of dollars, the government agencies along with the major cancer research centers will always hide the truth.
To be able to cure cancer with something so "trivial and inexpensive" a treatment is tantamount to all Laetrile research by cancer research centers being sabotaged.
1 Tim 6:10 KJV
"For the love of money is the root of all evil…"
Jer 17:9 KJV
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
However, there are a few honest researchers with integrity who have not played the political cancer game. Money is not what motivates these people but the search for truth does.

Here are their names with a brief synopsis of
their experiments with Laetrile:

Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr.: a biochemist and the researcher who first isolated Laetrile in apricot seeds and also discovered B-15 (pangamic acid, a vitamin which has been proven to be an important adjunctive therapy in the treatment of illnessesrelated to circulation).
He spent three years of anatomy and medicine at Hahnemann Medical College and then changed his direction and became a doctor of biochemistry. He did undergraduate work at the University of Illinois between 1938-41. He did graduate work at the University of Mississippi and also at the University of California.

By 1950, he had isolated the nutritional factor in crystalline form and named it Laetrile. He tested it on animals to make sure that it was not toxic. He then had to prove that it was not toxic to humans. There was only one thing to do. He rolled up his sleeve and injected Laetrile into his own arm. As he predicted, there were no harmful or distressing side effects.

I find it interesting to note that Dr. Krebs was more than willing to test his theory about Laetrile on himself while cancer doctors and their personnel take great precautions to be sure they themselves are not exposed to the drugs they administer to their cancer victims, I mean patients.

Dr. Krebs authored many scientific papers in his lifetime. He was the recipient of numerous honors and doctorates both at home and abroad. He was the science director of the John Beard Memorial Foundation before his death in 1996.

Dr. Dean Burk, Director of the Cytochemistry Section of the federal government's National Cancer Institute reported that, in a series of tests on animal tissue, the (Laetrile) vitamin B-17 had no harmful effect on normal cells, but was deadly to a cancer cell.

In another series of tests, Dr. Burk reported that Laetrile was responsible for prolonging the life of cancerous rats eighty percent longer than those in the control group that were not inoculated.

Dr. Burk: was one of the foremost cancer specialists in the world. He was the recipient of the Gerhard Domagk Award for Cancer Research, the Hillebrand Award of the American Chemical Society, and the Commander Knighthood Of the Medical Order of Bethlehem (Rome) founded in 1459 by Pope Pius the Eleventh. He held a Ph.D. in biochemistry earned at the University of California.

He was a Fellow of the National Research Council at the University of London, of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, and also Harvard. He was senior chemist at the National Cancer Institute, which he helped establish, and in 1946 became Director of the Cytochemistry Section.

He belonged to eleven scientific organizations, wrote three books relating to chemotherapy research in cancer, and was author or co-author of more than two-hundred scientific papers in the field of cell chemistry. He is a biochemist. If Dr. Burk says that Laetrile works, I believe him!

Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura: for five years, between 1972 and 1977, Laetrile was meticulously tested at Sloan-Kettering under his direction.

Dr. Sugiura was the senior laboratory researcher at Sloan-Kettering with over 60 years experience. He had earned the highest respect for his knowledge and integrity. He was the perfect person to conduct experiments since his quest for truth blocked out anything else.

Dr. C. Chester Stock, the man in charge of Sloan-Kettering's laboratory-testing division wrote this about Dr. Sigiura,"Few, if any, names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu Sugiura's… Possibly the high regard in which his work is held is best characterized by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer research from Russia".

He said, "When Dr. Sugiura publishes, we know we don't have to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported." (Ralph Moss, The Cancer Syndrome, New York: Grove Press, 1980 pg. 258)

The official report about Laetrile 
from Dr. Sigiura read:

"The results clearly show that Amygdalin significantly inhibits the appearance of lung metastasis in mice bearing spontaneous mammary tumors and increases significantly the inhibition of the growth of the primary tumors… Laetrile also seemed to prevent slightly the appearance of new tumors… The improvement of health and appearance of the treated animals in comparison to controls is always a common observation… Dr. Sugiura has never observed completeregression of these tumors in all his cosmic experience with other chemotherapeautic agents." ("A Summary of the Effect of Amygdalin Upon Spontaneous Mammary Tumors in Mice," Sloan-Kettering report, June 13, 1973.)
Dr. Sugiura's report was cause for great alarm at Sloan-Kettering. Remember, cancer is over a billion dollars a year industry. This report would cause the house of cards to collapse. As would be expected then, many more experiments were conducted by others who were not as honest as Dr. Sugiura.

At a press conference, Dr. Sugiura was asked suddenly by a reporter if he stuck to his report. Dr. Sugiura clearly and boldly stated, "I stick," even though Sloan-Kettering was trying to discredit everything that he did. To read about the many times that Sloan-Kettering tried to discredit their finest researcher, get the book, "World Without Cancer," by G. Edward Griffin.

Now, even though we have proof from the laboratories, let us look at what is being discovered in prominent physicians' studies:

The following is taken from the book, "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin, published by American Media, Westlake Village, CA

As early as 1974, there was at least twenty-six published papers written by well-known physicians who had used Laetrilein the treatment of their own patients and who have concluded that Laetrile is both safe and effective in the treatment of cancer.
Dr. Hans Nieper, of West Germany, former Director of the Department of Medicine at the Silbersee Hospital in Hanover. He is a pioneer in the medical use of cobalt and is credited with developing the anti-cancer drug, cyclophosphamide. He is the originator of the concept of "electrolyte carriers" in the prevention of cardiac necrosis.
He was formerly the head of the Aschaffenburg Hospital Laboratory for chemical circulatory research. He is listed in Who's Who in World Science and has been the Director of the German Society for Medical Tumor Treatment. He is one of the world's most famous and respected cancer specialists.
During a visit to the U.S. in 1972, Dr. Nieper told news reporters, "After more than twenty years of such specialized work, I have found the nontoxic Nitrilosides-that is Laetrile-far superior to any other known cancer treatment or preventative. In my opinion, it is the only existing possibility for the ultimate control of cancer."
N.R. Bouziane, M.D.: In Canada there is N.R. Bouziane, M.D., former Director of Research Laboratories at St. Jeanne d'Arc Hospital in Montreal and a member of the hospital's tumor board in charge of chemotherapy. He graduated magna cum laude in medicine from the University of Montreal. He also received a doctorate in science from the University of Montreal and St. Joseph's University, an affiliate of Oxford University in New Brunswick. He was a Fellow in chemistry and a Fellow in hematology, and certified in clinical bacteriology, hematology and biochemistry from the college. He also was Dean of the American Association of Bio?Analysts.
After the first series of tests with Laetrile shortly after it was introduced, Dr. Bouziane reported:
"We always have a diagnosis based on histology [microscopic analysis of the tissue]. We have never undertaken a case without histological proof of cancer...
In our investigation, some terminal cases were so hopeless that they did not even receive what we consider the basic dose of thirty grams. Most cases, however, became ambulatory and some have in this short time resumed their normal activities on a maintenance dose." (Cancer News Journal, Jan./Apr. 1971, pg. 20)
Manuel Navarro, M.D.: In the Philippines there is Manuel Navarro, M.D., former Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila; an Associate Member of the National Research Council of the Philippines; a Fellow of the Philippine College of Physicians, the Philippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism; and a member of the Philippine Medical Association, the Philippine Cancer Society, and many other medical groups. He has been recognized internationally as a cancer researcher and has over one?hundred major scientific papers to his credit, some of which have been read before the International Cancer Congress.
In 1971 Dr. Navarro wrote:
I ... have specialized in oncology [the study of tumors] for the past eighteen years. For the same number of years I have been using Laetrile?amygdalin in the treatment of my cancer patients. During this eighteen year period I have treated a total of over five hundred patients with Laetrile & amygdalin by various routes of administration, including the oral and the I.V. The majority of my patients receiving Laetrile?amygdalin have been in a terminal state when treatment with this material commenced.
It is my carefully considered clinical judgment, as a practicing oncologist and researcher in this field, that I have obtained most significant and encouraging results with the use of Laetrile & amygdalin in the treatment of terminal cancer patients, and that these results are comparable or superior to the results I have obtained with the use of the more toxic standard cytotoxic agents. (Letter from Dr. Navarro to Mr. Andrew McNaughton, The McNaughton Foundation, dated January 8, 1971, published in the Cancer News Journal, Jan./April, 1971, pp. 19,20.)
Ernesto Contreras, M.D.: In Mexico there is Ernesto Contreras, M.D., who, for over three decades, has operated theGood Samaritan Cancer Clinic (now called the Oasis Hospital) in Tijuana. He is one of Mexico's most distinguishedmedical figures. He received postgraduate training at Harvard's Children's Hospital in Boston. He has served as Professor of Histology and Pathology at the Mexican Army Medical School and as the chief pathologist at the Army Hospital in Mexico City.
Dr. Contreras was introduced to Laetrile in 1963 by a terminal cancer patient from the United States who brought it to his attention and urged him to treat her with it. The woman recovered, and Dr. Contreras began extensive investigationof its properties and use. Since that time he has treated many thousands of cancer patients, most of whom are American citizens who have been denied the freedom to use Laetrile in their own country.
Dr. Contreras has summarized his experiences with vitamin 
therapy as follows:
The palliative action [improving the comfort and well being of the patient] is in about 60% of the cases. Frequently, enough to be significant, I see arrest of the disease or even regression in some of the very advanced cases.
(Cancer News Journal, Jan./April, 1971, pp. 20. We must bear in mind that these are terminal patients-people who have been given up as hopeless by orthodox medicine. Fifteen percent recovery in that group is a most impressive accomplishment.)
Shigeaki Sakai: In Japan there is Shigeaki Sakai, a prominent physician in Tokyo. In a paper published in the October 1963 Asian Medical journal, Dr. Sakai reported:
Administered to cancer patients, Laetrile has proven to be quite free from any harmful side effects, and I would say that no anti-cancer drug could make a cancerous patient improve faster than Laetrile. It goes without saying that Laetrile controls cancer and is quite effective wherever it is located.
Etore Guidetti, M.D.: In Italy there is Professor Etore Guidetti, M.D., of the University of Turin Medical School. Dr. Guidetti spoke before the Conference of the International Union Against Cancer held in Brazil in 1954
He revealed how his use of Laetrile in terminal cancer patients 
had caused the destruction of a wide variety
of tumors including those of:
  • Uterus
  • Cervix
  • Rectum
  • Breast
"In some cases," he said, "one has been able to observe a group of fulminating and cauliflower like neoplastic massesresolved very rapidly." He reported that, after giving Laetrile to patients with lung cancer, he had been "able to observe, with the aid of radiography, a regression of the neoplasm or the metastases."
After Guidetti's presentation, an American doctor rose in the audience and announced that Laetrile had been investigated in the United States and found to be worthless.
Dr.Guidetti replied, "I do not care what was determined in the United States. I am merely reporting what I saw in my own clinic." (Cancer News Journal, Jan./April, 1971, p. 19)
Joseph H. Maisin: In Belgium there is Professor Joseph H. Maisin, Sr., M.D., of the University of Louvain where he was Director of the Institute of Cancer. He also was President Emeritus of the International League Against Cancer which conducts the International Cancer Congress every four years.
And in the United States there are such respected names as:
  • Dr. Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute.
  • Dr. John A. Morrone of the Jersey City Medical Center.
  • Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., who developed Laetrile.
  • Dr. John A. Richardson, the courageous San Francisco physician who challenged the government's right to prevent Laetrile from being used in the United States;
  • John A. Richardson, M.D., and Patricia Griffin, R.N., Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience published by Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 1977.
  • Dr. Philip E. Binzel, Jr., a physician in Washington Court House, Ohio, who has used Laetrile for over twenty years with outstanding success (Philip E. Binzel, M.D., Alive and Well: One Doctor's Experience with Nutrition in the Treatment of Cancer Patients, published by American Media, Westlake Village, CA, 1994) and many others from over twenty countries with equally impeccable credentials."
In my opinion, these results are more credible than something that can be worked up in a laboratory. The proof of whether Laetrile works or not is undisputed by eyewitness accounts from these highly respected physicians who have had many years of seeing people recover from their cancer by using Laetrile therapy.
Remember, laboratory experiments can be manipulated to produce any result that the researcher is looking for. Unscrupulous men have used these reports for their own gain and benefit, not for the cancer patients.
Laetrile is a vitamin that cannot be patented. It is not worthy to be used in cancer treatment since it is not making the conglomorate pharmaceutical companies, research centers, etc. any money. To them, the only solution is drugs, even though they know without any doubt that these drugs do not work.
To prove it, let's take a look at what surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy really do to the cancer patient.
Surgery is the least harmful of the three:
Surgery can be life-saving if there are intestinal blockages that must be relieved to prevent death of secondary complications. There is also the psychological advantage of visually removing the tumor and offering the temporarycomfort of hope.
However, the degree to which surgery is useful is the same degree to which the tumor is not malignant. The greater theproportion of cancer cells in the tumor, the less likely that surgery will help. The most malignant tumors are generally considered inoperable. There is also to consider what cutting into the tumor, even for a biopsy, does.
First, there is trauma to the area. This triggers the healing process, which in turn, brings more trophoblast cells (the start of cancer) into being as a by-product of that process. (See chapter IV of the book, "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin, for more information on the trophoblast thesis of cancer.)
The second thing is that if not all the malignant tissue is removed, what remains may become encased in scar tissue from the surgery. Consequently, the cancer tends to become insulated from the action of the pancreatic enzymes which are essential for exposing trophoblast cells to the surveillant action of the white blood cells.
There is also no solid evidence that patients who submit to surgery have any greater life expectancy, on the average, than those who do not.
For more information regarding the many studies that have been done regarding surgery, see the book, "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin.
The rationale behind X-ray therapy is the same as with surgery:
The objective is to remove the tumor, but to do so by burning it away rather than cutting it out. Here, also, it is primarily the non-cancer cell that is destroyed. The more malignant the tumor, the more resistant it is to radio therapy. If this were not so, then X-ray therapy would have a high degree of success-which, of course, it does not.
It also increases the likelihood of cancer developing in other parts of the body. 
X-rays induce cancer because of 
at least two factors.
First, they do physical damage to the body whichs triggers the production of trophoblast cells as part of the healing process.
Second, they weaken or destroy the production of white blood cells which constitutes the immunological defense mechanism, the body's front-line defense against cancer.
As with surgery, there is little or no solid evidence that radiation actually improves the patient's chances for survival.
For more information regarding the many studies that have been done regarding radiation therapy, see the book, "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin.
We have now briefly viewed the miserable results obtained by orthodox surgery and radiation. However, the record of so-called anti-cancer drugs is even worse.
The primary reason for this is that most of them currently in use are highly poisonous, not just to cancer but to the rest of the body as well. Generally, they are more deadly to healthy tissue than they are to the malignant cell.
All substances can be toxic if taken in sufficient amounts. This is true of aspirin, sugar, Laetrile or even water. But, unlike those, the anti-cancer drugs are poisonous, not as a result of an overdose or as a side-effect, but as a primary effect.
In other words, anti-cancerous drugs are deliberately poisonous. It is the desired effect. Now, these chemicals are selected because they are capable of differentiating between types of cells and, consequently, of poisoning some types more than others.
But don't jump to the conclusion that they differentiate between cancer and non-cancer cells, killing only the cancer cells, because they do not. The cellular poisons used in orthodox cancer therapy today cannot distinguish between cancer and non-cancer cells.
They act instead to differentiate between cells that are fast-growing and those that are slow-growing or not growing at all. Cells that are actively dividing are the targets.
Consequently, they kill, not only the cancer cells that are dividing, but also a multitude of normal cells all over the body that also are caught in the act of dividing. In the case of a cancer that is dividing at the same rate or even slower than normal cells, there isn't even a theoretical chance of success in killing the cancer cells before the poison kills the patient.
Poisoning the system is the objective of these drugs. The toxins catch the blood cells in the act of dividing and cause blood poisoning.
The gastrointestinal systsem is thrown into convulsion causing:
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cramps
  • Progressive weakness
Other effects on the body:
  • Hair cells: are fast growing, so the hair falls out during treatment.
  • Reproductive organs: are affected causing sterility.
  • The brain: becomes fatigued.
  • Eyesight and hearing: are impaired.
  • Every conceivable function is disrupted with such agony for the patient: that many of them elect to die of the cancer rather than to continue treatment.

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